The Humble Hive Homestead

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Keeping the wild wild

When we bought are place we saw the occasional deer, hawk, stray cat or dog. After cleaning up trash, clearing out invasive cedars, rotationally pasturing chickens and turkeys, then this past year cows. We have a budding ecosystem of critters.

In the past few months we’ve seen turkeys, bobcats, deer, coyotes and more on our game cameras.

Did you say bobcats and coyotes, yes, I did. But wont they eat your critters, its a possibility, but we have Oakie our live stock guardian dog. His presence alone is a deterrent, Generally his big boy bark is enough to keep predator away. Rarely does Oakie engage with a predator. We also have electric fences that keep our critters safe.

But how cool is it we have such diversity on such a small parcel of land. That raising food for our family and community doesn’t disrupt the ecosystem but allows for it to grow and flourish, under our stewardship
