How I organize my business notebook
This business note book has been a game changer for my life and business. i love it i am going to share how I set mine up.
First gather the 3 important supplies.
I love love love my Yellow paper house Junque Journal that’s where we will start.
2. Pens
These are some of my favorite pens le pen , Metalic Flair pens and Regular Flair Pen, yes i love pens! Good pens are key.
3. Tabs
Then most importantly AVERY TABS!!! this is the key to Organizing you business note book!
Vision board and tabs.
I put things like standard operating procedure information, cost information, price paid for livestock, livestock tag number, neighbors phone numbers, customer notes, vendor notes, contact information for breeders, and trainers in my business book. When i am done with it i note the dates and transfer what i need to to my new business book .
I brain storm in it, doodle, have my grocery list. I have my vision board, goals . It’s my compass and planner I have my M5 Get it done club monthly tasks in there. Daily to do lists.
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